
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How many times may I renew a loan?

Those copies labeled as  "uso frecuente" (frequent use) or "préstamo exterior" (external lending) may be renewed twice provided they've not been reserved by another user.
The copies labeled as "uso preferente de alumnos" (priority use for students) can be renew just once.

How can I renew a loan without going to the library?

Go to the catalogue, identify yourself with your ULL card number and your password and then click "Mi biblioteca / My library"
You'll see the documents yo've got on loan. Check the document you want to renew and click "renovar / renew".
As a rule, you can't renew a loan more than twice, though some types of documents may have different renewal conditions. If the document you want to renew has been reserved by anothe user, you won't be able to renew your loan.
Remember that your reader number is the 10-digit number shown below the barcode at the back of your ULL ID card, and your password is your birthdate in the form DDMMYYY (e.g.., if you were born on 15 March 1998 yor password is 15031998)

The Library in 4 steps

What does 'signatura' mean?

The 'signatura' or call number is the code that identifies the specific location of a document in the shelves. As a rule, it's made up of three or more digits representing the subject (according to the Universal Decimal Classification), the first three letters of the author's name and the first three letters os the title. You'll see this code in a label stuck on the spine of every document. When you find a document in the catalogue, you must take down this code in order to locate it.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What is my reader number and my password?

In order to identify yourself in the Library's services yo need to know your reader number (número de lector)and your password.
Your reader number is the 10-digit number shown below the barcode at the back of your ULL ID card.
Your password is your birthdate in the form DDMMYYY (e.g.., if you were born on 15 March 1998 yor password is 15031998)

How can I know my password?

Every student receive their password (clave de servicio) when they register. It allow students to access their personal data through the Student's Portal at the ULL website.
If you don't have this information, follow these instructions.