At the library home page (, click Digital library (biblioteca digital) or PuntoQ. Then, click “In order to access off-campus click here ” (para acceder desde fuera de la ULL, pulse aquí).
You have to identificate yourself. If you are a student member of the ULL, you have to introduce the alu code and the password. For example:
User (Usuario): alu0100056987
password(Contraseña): LOUL1297
At Punto Q, you have to click “Browse e-resource” (Buscar recurso-e) and write the name of the database you want to browse.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
What is MOOC?
The Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) offers online courses for students.
These courses must have a learning oriented structure, they have to be prepared to accept a massive number of students and provide a global access for them. Moreover, the courses must offer a free distance education.
Generally, the courses are supported by prestigious higher education centres. Gradually, there are more Universities that join any of the MOOC platforms, or decide to create their own MOOC platform.
You can access to any of the MOOC courses browsing:
Specifying the subject (Biology, Economy y Finances, Education, Linguistics, Mathematics, Chemistry and so on.), the date that the course will take place, or the language you want (Spanish or English), you will find courses based on your particular needs in
Monday, February 25, 2013
May I suggest a purchase?
If you are interested in any item that you cannot find in the list of titles of the Library,or there are few copies of it, you can suggest to the library to buy them. You have to follow the following steps:
Browse in the Catalogue (
At the superior corner, on the right side of the page, you have to identify yourself with your number and password and click "conectar" (log in)
Then,click "Mi biblioteca" (My library).
In the option "Desideratas" click "Añadir"(add).
Introduce all the information that you may know about the book and click "Aceptar"(agree).
The library will consider your suggestion and, if it is considered appropriate and affordable, the Library will purchase the item.
After that, if you check in "mi biblioteca" you will know if your suggestion has been accepted. If it is so, you will know if the book has been purchased, or if it has been received at the library...
What requirements are needed to be an external user of the Library?
If a person who is not currently a University of La Laguna student, staff or faculty member and he / she is interested in using all the facilities that the Library Services offers, he /she has to be joined as an external user.
This person has to solicit it in any of the lending offices of any library of the ULL. Moreover, he /she has to submit the following documents:
Filled application form.
A recent passport-size photo.
A copy of the ID card, passport or equivalent identification document.
A guarantee, official document, signed by a professor or a member of the ULL's PAS that may guarantee the external user. Moreover, the member of the ULL community must vouch for him/her if any problem might take place in relation to any lending.
Please, see the application and guarantee forms here.
This person has to solicit it in any of the lending offices of any library of the ULL. Moreover, he /she has to submit the following documents:
Please, see the application and guarantee forms here.
What is Inter campus delivery?
Inter campus delivery is a new ULL Library's service that moves books between the different campus of The University of La Laguna, when they are not available on the user's campus.
There will be only available the items whose loan condition would be PRE ( préstamo exterior / external lending).
They are considered different campus the following libraries groups:
Anchieta: Agrícolas (Agriculture), Farmacia (Pharmacy), Informática (Computing) , Matemáticas-Física (Mathematics-Physics), Química-Biología (Chemistry-Biology)
Central: Arquitectura Técnica (Technical Architecture), Educación (Education).
Guajara: General y de Humanidades (General and Humanities), Ciencias de la Información (Science of Information), Derecho (Law) y Ciencias Políticas y Sociales (Political and Social Science), Económicas (Economics), Empresariales ( Business Studies) y Turismo ( Tourism).
Bellas Artes (Fine Arts), Ciencias de la Salud ( Health Science), Náutica (Nautic) libraries are not considered part of any other library, for this reason, they are allowed to do this service with the rest of the libraries.
This service is carried out by the users from the catalogue. First, you have to identify yourself with your user code (NIU, or the number of the bar code reader card, or e-mail) and your password. If you do not have changed it, it will be your date of birth ( DDMMAA/ DDMMYY); the empty digits must be filled by 0.
If you find the book you are interested in located in another campus and it is not on loan, you can do an inter campus delivery request browsing the tap "Ejemplares" (copies).
Then, you have to select the library where you want to receive the book and click "Aceptar"(agree). When the item arrives, the librarian will send you an email telling you that the book is ready to be picked up.
There will be only available the items whose loan condition would be PRE ( préstamo exterior / external lending).
They are considered different campus the following libraries groups:
Bellas Artes (Fine Arts), Ciencias de la Salud ( Health Science), Náutica (Nautic) libraries are not considered part of any other library, for this reason, they are allowed to do this service with the rest of the libraries.
This service is carried out by the users from the catalogue. First, you have to identify yourself with your user code (NIU, or the number of the bar code reader card, or e-mail) and your password. If you do not have changed it, it will be your date of birth ( DDMMAA/ DDMMYY); the empty digits must be filled by 0.
If you find the book you are interested in located in another campus and it is not on loan, you can do an inter campus delivery request browsing the tap "Ejemplares" (copies).
Then, you have to select the library where you want to receive the book and click "Aceptar"(agree). When the item arrives, the librarian will send you an email telling you that the book is ready to be picked up.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
What questions can the Library's Chat Service answer me?
On the contrary, questions related to renewal and booking management of loans, as well as, questions about personal information do not be answered. If you have a complex question about bibliographic issues, it will be sent to the faculty's libraries. It is important for you tu know that you will not receive an immediate answer.
The aim of this new service is to stablish a communication system between users and the library in real time, assuring privacy and security.
This service can be used by anyone, even if the person does not belong to the ULL community.
If you need more information about this service, you can browse the following link:
How do I find recommended bibliography from the library?
You have two different options:
You have to click Recommended Bibliographies, at the right side
menu of the Catalogue.
Or, in The library's blog of your faculty, in the tabs "Recommended
Bibliography" or "Recommended Books by Subjects ".
You have to click Recommended Bibliographies, at the right side
menu of the Catalogue.
Or, in The library's blog of your faculty, in the tabs "Recommended
Bibliography" or "Recommended Books by Subjects ".
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