
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Do you know what our service SEA is about?

SEA is a shipping service of periodicals' articles in our newspapers and periodicals library, aiming to help the users to get the documents they need.

It is a free service aimed at those University community members who have an ULL e-mail ( or

You will need to register to make use of this service filling this form.

SEA provides digitized copies of scientific magazines' articles in paper form in the newspapers and        periodicals library. However, newspaper articles, chapters of books or thesis, magazines' complete          editions (among others) will not be supplied. Also, available digitalized articles are not provided through        our PuntoQ website.

How to save a file on the computers available in the reading rooms?

If you want to keep your own work on one of the personal computers of the CLABE equipment*, you can 
either send it by email through a web service you like or save it on a USB Flash Drive.

If you choose the latter option, please follow the step-by-step instructions described below:

Once your document is properly saved and closed, a folder named 'Documents' will come up right away
by default. Remember that your work can be stored both physically with the help of memory devices and virtually by means of your email. Otherwise, your files will be deleted when you log off the system. 
Then, click on the icon "Subir un nivel". 

Now click on the 'usb' folder you will find displayed on the next window.

And finally, choose whichever folder you like! 

Also, you can type a name for your document in the 'File Name' box and then choose the type of format you prefer. For example, those text documents created with word processing softwares such as StarOffice and Microsoft Word will be saved under the extension sxw and doc respectively. In the case of flat texts, the 
common label is txt.

Please note that the current version of the operating system does not recognise all types of flash drives, 
so you will have to format your device.

*CLABE stands for Clientes Ligeros para el Acceso a la Biblioteca Electrónica, the network of computers provided by the library.

Which is my user's number and password as a member of the ULL?

It is the same number you usually use in other services of the ULL (virtual classroom, e-mail, "Sede Electrónica",...):
user: alu0000000000
password: NNNN1111 (four capital letters followed by 4 numbers)